I first created this site back in 1998 to document the wild plants that I encountered. But it has grown into a clearinghouse of information on landscaping, backyard birds, butterfly gardening, plant identification and making paper from plant fiber. After leaving Kansas, I thought of deleting the site. But realize it has a wealth of information that people rely upon.
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Kansas Vines
Plant Search
Plant Search Results (Records 36)
Scientific Name | Common Name | Common Family | Plant Type | Plant Height | Flower Color | Plant Origin | Image |
Ampelopsis cordata | Raccoon Grape | Grape | Vine | 20.0 feet | White | Kansas Native | 4 |
Apios americana | American Potato Bean | Bean | Vine | 4.0 feet | Violet | Kansas Native | 5 |
Calystegia sepium | Common Hedge Bindweed | Morning Glory | Vine | 10.0 feet | White | Kansas Native | 8 |
Campsis radicans | Trumpet Creeper | Trumpet Creeper | Vine | 20.0 feet | Red /Orange | Kansas Introduction | 11 |
Celastrus orbiculatus | Oriental Bittersweet | Bittersweet | Vine | 20.0 feet | Yellow | U.S. Introduction | 9 |
Celastrus scandens | American Bittersweet | Bittersweet | Vine | 50.0 feet | White | Kansas Native | 6 |
Clematis pitcheri | Pitcher's Leather Flower | Buttercup | Vine | 6.0 feet | Violet /Lavender | Kansas Native | 6 |
Clematis virginiana | Virginia Clematis | Buttercup | Vine | 20.0 feet | White /Green | Kansas Native | 11 |
Cuscuta glomerata | Knotted Dodder | Morning Glory | Vine | 3.0 feet | White | Kansas Native | 0 |
Cuscuta pentagona | Fiveangled Dodder | Morning Glory | Vine | 3.0 feet | White | Kansas Native | 4 |
Cynanchum laeve | Climbing Milkweed | Milkweed | Vine | 10.0 feet | White /Green | Kansas Native | 3 |
Dioscorea polystachya | Chinese Yam | Yam | Vine | 5.0 feet | White | U.S. Introduction | 2 |
Euonymus fortunei | Winter Creeper | Bittersweet | Vine | 10.0 feet | White | U.S. Introduction | 6 |
Humulus japonicus | Japanese Hop | Hemp | Vine | 3.0 feet | White | U.S. Introduction | 4 |
Humulus lupulus | Common Hop | Hemp | Vine | 3.0 feet | White | Kansas Native | 4 |
Ipomoea hederacea | Ivy Leaf Morning Glory | Morning Glory | Vine | 10.0 feet | Blue /White | U.S. Introduction | 6 |
Ipomoea lacunosa | White Morning Glory | Morning Glory | Vine | 10.0 feet | White | Kansas Native | 1 |
Ipomoea pandurata | Bigroot morning glory | Morning Glory | Vine | 10.0 feet | White /Pink | Kansas Native | 9 |
Ipomoea shumardiana | Narrowleaf morning glory | Morning Glory | Vine | 1.0 feet | White /Pink | Kansas Native | 12 |
Lonicera dioica | Limber Honeysuckle | Honeysuckle | Vine | 10.0 feet | White /Yellow | Kansas Native | 7 |
Lonicera japonica | Japanese Honeysuckle | Honeysuckle | Vine | 5.0 feet | White | U.S. Introduction | 2 |
Lycium barbarum | Matrimony Vine | Nightshade | Vine | 10.0 feet | White /Violet | U.S. Introduction | 4 |
Menispermum canadense | Moonseed | Moonseed | Vine | 10.0 feet | Green | Kansas Native | 4 |
Parthenocissus quinquefolia | Virginia Creeper | Grape | Vine | 20.0 feet | White | Kansas Native | 2 |
Rubus flagellaris | Dewberry | Rose | Vine | 1.0 feet | White | Kansas Native | 0 |
Smilax herbacea | Smooth Carrionflower | Catbriar | Vine | 6.0 feet | Green | Kansas Native | 5 |
Smilax tamnoides | Bristly Greenbriar | Catbriar | Vine | 12.0 feet | Green | Kansas Native | 7 |
Strophostyles helvolus | Trailing Wild Bean | Bean | Vine | 10.0 feet | Violet | Kansas Native | 7 |
Strophostyles leiosperma | Slick Side Wild Bean | Bean | Vine | 10.0 feet | Violet /Pink | Kansas Native | 9 |
Toxicodendron radicans | Poison Ivy | Cashew | Vine | 20.0 feet | White | Kansas Native | 4 |
Vinca major | Greater Periwinkle | Dogbane | Vine | 0.5 feet | Blue /Violet | U.S. Introduction | 7 |
Vinca minor | Lesser Periwinkle | Dogbane | Vine | 0.5 feet | Blue /Violet | U.S. Introduction | 8 |
Vitis cinerea | Grayback Grape | Grape | Vine | 20.0 feet | White | Kansas Native | 7 |
Vitis riparia | Riverbank Grape | Grape | Vine | 20.0 feet | White | Kansas Native | 5 |
Vitis vulpina | Winter Grape | Grape | Vine | 20.0 feet | White | Kansas Native | 0 |
Wisteria frutescens | American Wisteria | Bean | Vine | 20.0 feet | Blue /Violet | Kansas Introduction | 16 |
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