I first created this site back in 1998 to document the wild plants that I encountered. But it has grown into a clearinghouse of information on landscaping, backyard birds, butterfly gardening, plant identification and making paper from plant fiber. After leaving Kansas, I thought of deleting the site. But realize it has a wealth of information that people rely upon.
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Garden Plant Report
Plant: Western Yarrow - Achillea millefolium
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
The foliage is fern-like and makes for an attractive foliage in the garden. The white flowers attract butteflies. Easy to grow and drought resistant. This species is native to both Europe and North America. This is a native variety and is not aggressive like the most commercial varieties which are derived form the European variety.Plant: Yellow Giant Hyssop - Agastache nepetoides
Family: Mint - Lamiaceae
This is a good specimen plant for shade or part shade. I've seen it get 8 feet tall, if growing in moist rich soil. Being a mint, it's very good at attracting various pollinators like bees. It has square stems and its flowering form is such that it branches out and up to form a candelabra shape. It has interesting form in the winter as it turns a deep brown. The plants are very sturdy and don't flop over. The flowers are white to cream in color.Plant: White Snakeroot - Ageratina altissima
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
This plant looks similar to ageratum. Its white flowers are very showy.Plant: Big Bluestem - Andropogon gerardii
Family: Grass - Poaceae
This is the predominant grass of the tallgrass prairie. It's also known as turkey foot because looks like a three-toed turkey foot. It turns a nice orange color in the fall. Use this grass to create a prairie garden.Plant: Red Columbine - Aquilegia canadensis
Family: Buttercup - Ranunculaceae
This is the wild variety of columbine. It has smaller flowers than the cultivated forms. It also doesn't get as tall. It does well in shade and part shade. Hummingbirds are attracted to it. The flowers are a reddish pink.Plant: White Sage - Artemisia ludoviciana
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
Grow this plant not for its flowers but for its interesting foliage. The plant spreads by underground stems known as rhizomes. It's not too aggressive though. The foliage has an interesting aroma and was used by native americans in smudge sticks. It is also the larval plant for the painted lady butterfly.Plant: Canada Wild Ginger - Asarum canadense
Family: Birthwort - Aristolochiaceae
The plants only get about three inches tall and spread slowly over time. It is the perfect native shade ground cover.Plant: Swamp Milkweed - Asclepias incarnata
Family: Milkweed - Asclepiadaceae
This is one of the best nectar plants to attract butterflies. It blooms profusely which helps to make it a good butterfly magnet. Monarch butterflies like it as a larval plant also. It does best is moist soil but tolerates medium soil.Plant: Purple Milkweed - Asclepias purpurascens
Family: Milkweed - Asclepiadaceae
This milkweed is so attractive. Being a milkweed it is a larval food for the Monarch butterfly. It does well in part sun. Likes well drained, loamy soil. Not a predictable seed producer.Plant: Smooth Milkweed - Asclepias sullivantii
Family: Milkweed - Asclepiadaceae
This milkweed has pretty pink blooms. The foliage is waxy smooth unlike common milkweed which is wooly. Grow this milkweed to provide food for monarch butterflies.Plant: Common Milkweed - Asclepias syriaca
Family: Milkweed - Asclepiadaceae
Common milkweed blooms profusely and the flowers have the sweetest smell. It tends to be more aggressive than some of the other milkweeds, but not excessively. It is best for a natural planting though. The young pods are edible if cooked. The stems produce fiber that can be used for making cordage or even paper. Being a milkweed it provides food for the larva of the Monarch butterfly.Plant: Butterfly Milkweed - Asclepias tuberosa
Family: Milkweed - Asclepiadaceae
One of the few orange flowers in Kansas, this plant is an excellent choice for the home landscape. The plants are long lived and very showy. Provides food for the larva of the Monarch butterfly. This is the interior variety which has terminal flowers and bushier plants. Its a very drought tolerant plant. Not a predictable seed producer.Plant: Green Antelopehorn - Asclepias viridis
Family: Milkweed - Asclepiadaceae
This is a nice low growing milkweed that is easy to grow. The large flowers let you see all of their details. Early host for the monarch butterfly.Plant: Paw Paw - Asimina triloba
Family: Custard Apple - Annonaceae
I love its long leaves, small size, and edible fruit.Plant: Drummond's Aster - Aster drummondii
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
The perfect flower to grow in shade or part shade. It blooms profusely and should be grown in everyones yard. Asters are one of the best plants to attract butterflies.Plant: Smooth blue aster - Aster laevis
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
The flowers of this aster are one of the biggest. It blooms profusely and asters are one of the best nectar plants for butterflies. It likes full sun but tolerates some shade. The foliage is a pretty blue-green. It is drought tolerant.Plant: New England Aster - Aster novae-angliae
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
This aster has the largest blooms of all the asters offered. It likes moist soil for best performance. One of the last flowers to bloom in the fall, it is a great butterfly magnet.Plant: Aromatic Aster - Aster oblongifolius
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
One of the shortest asters, it blooms profusely late in the fall. Like all asters, it attracts tons of butterflies. This aster does spread by underground stems but is not too aggressive.Plant: Sky Blue Aster - Aster oolentangiensis
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
Sky Blue Aster is one of the last of the flowers to bloom in the fall. They are important nectar sources for butterflies, especially the migrating Monarchs that need energy to make their trip to Mexico. This aster has pretty sky blue blooms.Plant: Canada Milkvetch - Astragalus canadensis
Family: Bean - Fabaceae
This is one of the tallest milkvetches. It gets loads of whitish yellow upright flowers that mature into rattling seed pods. Good butterfly food plant for various skipper butterflies.Plant: White Wild Indigo - Baptisia alba
Family: Bean - Fabaceae
These gorgeous plants have beautiful blue-green foliage, attractive white blossoms, and interesting black seed pods - giving them all season interest. They make good specimen plants and are long lived.Plant: Bur Marigold - Bidens polylepis
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
One of the few prairie annuals, this plant blooms profusely. It's a good way to get instant color in a new planting. Its seeds do not stick to your clothing like some of its cousins.Plant: Side-Oats Grama - Bouteloua curtipendula
Family: Grass - Poaceae
A showy smaller grass of the prairie. It's good for the home landscape because of its size and interesting seed heads. They dangle on the sides like oats, hence the name.Plant: Purple Poppy Mallow - Callirhoe involucrata
Family: Mallow - Malvaceae
This drought tolerant plant produces attractive purple flowers in the spring. It grows low to the ground so works well where shorter flowers are desired.Plant: American Bellflower - Campanula americana
Family: Bellflower - Campanulaceae
A nice annual for shade to part sun areas. It blooms profusely with many flowers on each single stem. Great for producing flowers right away because it's an annual.Plant: Maryland Senna - Cassia marilandica
Family: Bean - Fabaceae
One of the best plants for the home landscape. The foliage is a beautiful deep green. It gets showy yellow flowers. They are followed by seed pods that whorl around the stem. The pods turn black in fall making it interesting year round. It is a larval food plant for the sulphur butterflies. The plants are very sturdy and never flop over. It even tolerates some shade.Plant: Partridge Pea - Chamaecrista fasciculata
Family: Bean - Fabaceae
A nice annual with lots of showy flowers.Plant: Indian Woodoats - Chasmanthium latifolium
Family: Grass - Poaceae
Good grass for shade, but can be grown in full sun too. It is attractive in all seasons. Serves as a host plant for various skipper butterflies. Seeds provide food for birds and mammals.Plant: Spring Beauty - Claytonia virginica
Family: Purslane - Portulacaceae
This is one of the earliest spring wildflowers. Under 6" in height, it works well in rock gardens.Plant: Pitcher's Leather Flower - Clematis pitcheri
Family: Buttercup - Ranunculaceae
A very interesting vine that has bell shaped flowers. Gets the typical clematis seeds. Grow it on a trellis or fence. It dies back to the ground each year but regrows the next year. It is not aggressive like some clematis. Very drought hardy. Bumble bees love the flowers.Plant: American Hazelnut - Corylus americana
Family: Birch - Betulaceae
One of the best shrubs for the home landscape. Attractive foliage as well as edible nuts. Catkins add winter interest. Has good fall color as well. For 2013 I only have two packets of seed.Plant: Climbing Milkweed - Cynanchum laeve
Family: Milkweed - Asclepiadaceae
This vining herbaceous plant is a host plant for monarch butterflies. The flowers are excellent for pollinators as well. Pods add winter interest to the garden.Plant: Roundhead Prairie Clover - Dalea multiflora
Family: Bean - Fabaceae
An excellent plant for dry rocky areas. It gets tons of round white flowers. Attractive foliage too.Plant: Purple Prairie Clover - Dalea purpurea
Family: Bean - Fabaceae
Grows best in dry soil with no tall competition. Each plant gets a multitude of flowers. Has interesting foliage too.Plant: Plains Larkspur - Delphinium virescens
Family: Buttercup - Ranunculaceae
With its delphinium like white blooms this is a very nice plant for the garden. It doesn't like much competition. After it blooms and sets seed it becomes dormant, but returns to growing in the fall and again in the spring.Plant: American Beakgrass - Diarrhena obovata
Family: Grass - Poaceae
The glossy leaves of this shade to part shade loving plant are very attractive. Its seeds are relatively large and make the heads of the plants droop. A gorgeous ornamental grass.Plant: Deertongue Panicgrass - Dichanthelium clandestinum
Family: Grass - Poaceae
This grass has extra wide and extra short leaves. This makes for a most intersting ornamental grass.Plant: Pale Coneflower - Echinacea pallida
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
This is by far one of the showiest wildflowers and has long lasting blooms. As the flowers mature the blossoms tend to droop and lose their stiffness. Goldfinches relish the seeds. It is also a medicinal plant. The roots can be chewed on to relieve sore throats and to boost the immune system.Plant: Canada Wildrye - Elymus canadensis
Family: Grass - Poaceae
An attractive cool season grass of the prairie. The seeds heads droop and have long awns. It looks a bit like a head of wheat.Plant: Hairy Wild Rye - Elymus villosus
Family: Grass - Poaceae
Gorgeous native grass with drooping seed heads. Leaves feel like velvet due to the soft hairs. Does well in shade to full sun.Plant: Philadelphia Fleabane - Erigeron philadelphicus
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
This early spring flower is so attractive. Its hairlike petals and smaller stature make it a nice addition to your garden. It's not aggressive or weedy like annual fleabane.Plant: Rattlesnake Master - Eryngium yuccifolium
Family: Parsley - Apiaceae
This has to be one of the coolest plants of the prairie. Its leaves are similar to a yuccas. Its flowering heads are unusual. And it turns an attractive brown in the fall and winter.Plant: Eastern Wahoo - Euonymus atropurpureus
Family: Bittersweet - Celastraceae
Attractive all times of the year. Fall: red foliage, Winter: interesting red berries similar to bittersweet, Spring: maroon flowers, Summer: attractive foliage. The fruit is relished by birds. I've seen yellow-bellied sapsuckers, cardinals, robins, bluebirds, and cedar waxwings eating the fruit.Plant: Tall Boneset - Eupatorium altissimum
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
Boneset and Joepyes are in the same genus. Both are excellent butterfly magnets. Grow this boneset in full sun. It is drought tolerant.Plant: Sweet Joe-Pye - Eupatorium purpureum
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
Produces large headest of showy pink flowers. The foliage is interesting because it is whorled around the stem in groups of four. Being a Eupatorium it's an excellent butterfly magnet. I've seen three tiger swallowtails on one plant alone. This Joepye is better suited to Kansas climates that the typical Joepye sold in most nurserys.Plant: Snow on the Mountain - Euphorbia marginata
Family: Spurge - Euphorbiaceae
An annual, so you get flowers the year you plant. Reseeds readily but is not aggressive. It's very attractive in the evening when the flowers seem to glow because of their white color.Plant: Rose Verbena - Glandularia canadensis
Family: Vervain - Verbenaceae
This sweet smelling wildflower doesn't like competition. Will flower all season. Butterflies love this flower.Plant: Sneezeweed - Helenium autumnale
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
This is an excellent plant to grow in soggy moist soil. Excellent plant for pollinators such as bees and butterflies. Produces loads of yellow flowers in late summer. Does NOT make you sneeze as the name implies.Plant: Annual Sunflower - Helianthus annuus
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
This is an important food for birds. Goldfinches especially relish the seeds. It also has the showiest and largest flowers of our native sunflowers. This is the state flower of Kansas.Plant: Hairy Sunflower - Helianthus hirsutus
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
This sunflower does well in part shade. It isn't as tall as our other wild sunflowers. Birds love the seeds. Spreads by underground stems but not aggressively.Plant: Willow Leaf Sunflower - Helianthus salicifolius
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
Grow this most amazing sunflower for its foliage. The leaves are very narrow and whorl around the stem. The tops of the plants look like mini fireworks. Plants tend to get tall in rich soil but can be trimmed back. Gets a typical yellow sunflower flower.Plant: Jerusalem artichoke - Helianthus tuberosus
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
Very aggressive sunflower that is perfect to compete with native grasses. Produces edible tubers.Plant: False Sunflower - Heliopsis helianthoides
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
Not a true sunflower but looks very similar. Goldfinches like to sit on the heads and pick off the petals to eat. Birds also like the seeds. Grows in part to full sun but does best in full sun.Plant: Virginia Waterleaf - Hydrophyllum virginianum
Family: Waterleaf - Hydrophyllaceae
This is a must have plant for a shade garden. It has interesting foliage in the spring that looks like it was splashed with water. The blooms are a light blue color and are ball shaped. Plants may become dormant in the heat of summer but will return in the fall and spring.Plant: Button Gayfeather - Liatris aspera
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
This gayfeather gets buttons of flowers on the stem. It likes dry soil and even rocky soil. Butterflies & other pollinators love gayfeathers. It's an important nectar plant for migrating monarchs. Gayfeathers are one of the showiest flowers of the prairies.Plant: Thickspike Gayfeather - Liatris pycnostachya
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
This tall gayfeather is a thick spike of flowers. It has the earliest bloom of the gayfeathers offered. Butterflies love this gayfeather and others.Plant: Fringed Puccoon - Lithospermum incisum
Family: Borage - Boraginaceae
One of the prettiest wildflowers of the prairie. Puccoon is an Indian term for dye plant. The roots can be used as a natural dye. The pretty little yellow flowers have a fringed edge. Does not tolerate much competition. Perfect in a flower bed or a rock garden. Bees love this plant and any others in the Borage family.Plant: Cardinal Flower - Lobelia cardinalis
Family: Bellflower - Campanulaceae
One of the few red flowering plants in Kansas. It needs consistently moist soil to do well. Works well in partial sun. A favorite of hummingbirds. Can be grown in containers.Plant: Desert Biscuitroot - Lomatium foeniculaceum
Family: Parsley - Apiaceae
The leaves taste like celery. The root can be used as a starch. It has pretty fern like foliage which hosts the black swallowtail butterfly.Plant: Mint-leaf Beebalm - Monarda fistulosa
Family: Mint - Lamiaceae
The pink blooms are long lasting and attract bees and other native pollinators. The foliage can be made into tea. Everyone should grow this plant in their gardens because of its showiness and ease to grow.Plant: Missouri evening primrose - Oenothera macrocarpa
Family: Evening Primrose - Onagraceae
The blooms are the largest flowers offered. Some are 6 inches in diameter. Although its a perenniel, it normally blooms the first year from seed. It also gets interesting four winged pods after the blooms. Very drought tolerant and an excellent plant for rockgardens and flowerbeds. Does not like competition.Plant: Western Marbleseed - Onosmodium molle
Family: Borage - Boraginaceae
An unusual addition to the garden because of its foliage and unusual flowering form. It is very drought tolerant and doesn't like much competition. The seeds are white and hard as marbles! Bees love this plant and others in the Borage family.Plant: Anise Root - Osmorhiza longistylis
Family: Parsley - Apiaceae
The perfect plant to grow in the shade and a bonus is its anise like odor of the foliage, seeds, and roots. I even found a bird nest built from the seed heads in my yard. The velvety appearance of spring foliage is quite handsome.Plant: Hop Hornbeam - Ostrya virginiana
Family: Birch - Betulaceae
One of the hardest woods of our native trees. Seeds provide winter food for birds.Plant: Prairie Ragwort - Packera plattensis
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
The yellow flowers are an intense golden yellow. A very good wildflower for the home garden. Foliage turns purple in the spring and fall. During the heat of summer the plant becomes dormant but will return with cooler weather. It's very drought tolerant.Plant: Switchgrass - Panicum virgatum
Family: Grass - Poaceae
One of the dominant grasses of the tallgrass prairie. It produces seeds relished by birds. The foliage turns a gorgeous orange in the fall. Foliage ranges from green to blue-green.Plant: Showy Beardtongue - Penstemon cobaea
Family: Figwort - Scrophulariaceae
With its large tubular flowers it attracts bumble bees. One of the showiest flowers of the prairies. Flourishes in dry rocky soil. It doesn't tolerate competition from other plants. It is a very drought tolerant wildflower.Plant: Foxglove Beardtongue - Penstemon digitalis
Family: Figwort - Scrophulariaceae
Like all beardtongues, its a attracts native bees for pollinating. It gets oodles of showy white flowers. The foliage is a pretty green that often turns purple in the fall. A very showy flower for the garden.Plant: Large-flower beardtongue - Penstemon grandiflorus
Family: Figwort - Scrophulariaceae
The large pink blooms are very attractive, as is its blue green waxy foliage. Does not like competition. A very drought tolerant wildflower. Likes well drained soil.Plant: Blue Phlox - Phlox divaricata
Family: Phlox - Polemoniaceae
One of the best plants for shade. Gorgeous blue blooms. It is very difficult to collect seed from this plant. The seed is in the capsule. Each capsule has 1 to 3 seeds.Plant: Obedient Plant - Physostegia virginiana
Family: Mint - Lamiaceae
Called obedient plant because if you twist or turn a blossom, it will stay in that position. This is an excellent hummingbird attractant as well as a plant for bees.Plant: Clammy-weed - Polanisia dodecandra
Family: Caper - Capparidaceae
Pollinators love this plant. I've never seen such variety and has the showiest flowers. It reseeds readily. The foliage smells just like green peppers!Plant: Virginia Knotweed - Polygonum virginianum
Family: Buckwheat - Polygonaceae
This shade loving plants has early spring flowers with purple splotches on them. When they flower they get many white flowers on the stem that have an interesting form.Plant: Rough Rattlesnake Root - Prenanthes aspera
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
An unusual prairie flower with a tall spike of flowers.Plant: Choke Cherry - Prunus virginiana
Family: Rose - Rosaceae
THis is my favorite shrub. Beautiful at all times of the year.Plant: Slender Mountain Mint - Pycnanthemum tenuifolium
Family: Mint - Lamiaceae
Showy white flowers make for a showy display. THe foliage has a delicious minty smell. The plants turn black upon maturity for more interest in the garden.Plant: Prairie Coneflower - Ratibida columnifera
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
One of the easiest wildflowers to grow. Blooms profusely the first year from seed.Plant: Gray-headed Coneflower - Ratibida pinnata
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
An excellent wildflower for the garden with its plentiful blooms and long blooming period. An added bonus is the seed heads have a unique anise/mint odor.Plant: Black Eyed Susan - Rudbeckia hirta
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
An annual that will produce loads of blooms the first year of planting. It reseeds readily. Butterflies love to nectar at it. It is a host plant to the silvery checkerspot butterfly.Plant: Cutleaf Coneflower - Rudbeckia laciniata
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
The leaves make for interesting foliage in the garden. The flowers attract goldfinches. Plant are strong and do not flop.Plant: Prairie Petunia - Ruellia humilis
Family: Acanthus - Acanthaceae
A long lasting low growing wildflower that should be in all gardens. The flowers open in the early morning and last a day, but are replaced by more flowers.Plant: Blue Sage - Salvia azureus
Family: Mint - Lamiaceae
This is one of the few blue flowering plants of the prairie. Bees love this and other mints.Plant: Little Bluestem - Schizachyrium scoparium
Family: Grass - Poaceae
Probably the best prairie grass for the landscape. Its smaller size makes it work well with many wildflowers Very attractive orange color in the fall. Attractive fluffy seed heads.Plant: Starry Campion - Silene stellata
Family: Pink - Caryophyllaceae
A very attractive white flowering species that likes partial sun to full sun. It's delicate flowers really show off. It does not like dry conditions. Its foliage is interesting with leaves in whorls of four.Plant: Wholeleaf Rosinweed - Silphium integrifolium
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
Showy yellow flowers that are similar to sunflowers. One plant produces hundreds of blooms. The most floriferous of the Silphium genus. Competes well with native grasses. Excellent for prairie restorations.Plant: Compass Plant - Silphium laciniatum
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
One of the biggest most robust plants of the prairie. Interesting giant palm shaped leaves. Deep roots make it very drought tolerant.Plant: Cup Plant - Silphium perfoliatum
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
This cool plant has large leaves that form cups around the square stems of the plant. These cups hold water after it rains making good drinking spots for birds. The plants are very sturdy and do not flop.Plant: Gray Goldenrod - Solidago nemoralis
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
The best goldenrod for the garden. It doesn't spread aggressively. Its flowers are a bright golden yellow and attract butterflies in droves. Goldenrods do not cause allergies as they are not wind pollinated. Everyone should have this wildflower in their gardens.Plant: Downy Goldenrod - Solidago petiolaris
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
The flowers of this goldenrod grow on a spike and are very showy. Goldenrods are one of the best butterfly attractants. This goldenrod does spread by underground stems but is not aggressive.Plant: Stiff Goldenrod - Solidago rigida
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
A nice goldenrod for the garden, as it's not aggressive. Furthermore it has a flat topped bloom unlike other goldenrods. Monarchs love it. It's also very drought resistant.Plant: Elmleaf Goldenrod - Solidago ulmifolia
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
For shade, this is the goldenrod to grow. It flowers on long spindley stalks. Not an aggressive goldenrod and attracts butterflies and other native pollinators.Plant: Indiangrass - Sorghastrum nutans
Family: Grass - Poaceae
One of the showiest tall grasses of the prairie. The seeds heads turn a pretty yellow-orange.Plant: Bladdernut - Staphylea trifolia
Family: Bladdernut - Staphyleaceae
This shrub is attractive in all seasons. Spring has showy flowers, summer has interesting balloon fruits, fall has gorgeous foliage, and winter has attractive branches.Plant: Ohio Spiderwort - Tradescantia ohiensis
Family: Spiderwort - Commelinaceae
This showy wildflower should be in everyones garden. It flowers for a long period and has attractive blue green foliage. Each flower lasts just one day but it just keeps producing more.Plant: Gama Grass - Tripsacum dactyloides
Family: Grass - Poaceae
This giant grass iss a showy bunch grass that produces seeds as large as corn. The foliage looks nice.Plant: Blue Verbena - Verbena hastata
Family: Vervain - Verbenaceae
This attractive wildflower grows best in moist sites. It produces a multitude of showy purple flowers.Plant: Narrowleaf Verbena - Verbena simplex
Family: Vervain - Verbenaceae
A small verbena with showy flowers. Perfect for the border.Plant: Woolly Verbena - Verbena stricta
Family: Vervain - Verbenaceae
Its long lasting blooms are perfect in a flower garden. Attracts butterflies and other pollinators.Plant: Baldwin Ironweed - Vernonia baldwinii
Family: Aster - Asteraceae
Very hardy wildflower that does well in dry conditions. It blooms midsummer and attracts many butterflies and other pollinators to its blooms.Plant: Culver's Root - Veronicastrum virginicum
Family: Figwort - Scrophulariaceae
The interesting flower heads are a favorite. Foliage is whorled around the stem. Attracts bees and butterflies.Plant: Prickly Ash - Zanthoxylum americanum
Family: Citrus - Rutaceae
Interesting shrub that is a member of the Citrus family. Glossy foliage. host to the giant swallowtail butterfly.Plant: Golden Alexanders - Zizia aurea
Family: Parsley - Apiaceae
A bountiful bloomer that is a favorite host plant of the black swallowtail butterfly. Instead of growing dill or parsley for the swallowtails, grow this perennial plant. Grows in part sun as well as in full sun.DISCLAIMER: This page contains affiliate links in the right hand panel, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support my website and allows me to continue to add new content. Thank you for the support!