I first created this site back in 1998 to document the wild plants that I encountered. But it has grown into a clearinghouse of information on landscaping, backyard birds, butterfly gardening, plant identification and making paper from plant fiber. After leaving Kansas, I thought of deleting the site. But realize it has a wealth of information that people rely upon.
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Garden Plant List
About Garden Plants
I am no longer selling seeds or plants since 2020 as I moved out of state. These are my favorite native garden plants of Kansas. You can search the plant based on your needs.
Image | Common Name | Scientific Name | Family | Life Span | Growth Habit | Flower Color |
Plant Description | ||||||
American Beakgrass | Diarrhena obovata | Grass | p | g | gr |
A favorite grass of mine with its glossy green leaves and drooping seed heads. Looks good all winter long. | ||||||
American Bellflower | Campanula americana | Bellflower | a | h | bl |
Loads of blue flowers that bees love. | ||||||
American Hazelnut | Corylus americana | Birch | w | s | wh |
Attractive shrub with edible nuts | ||||||
Anise Root | Osmorhiza longistylis | Parsley | p | h | wh |
Showy flowers and the plant has an interesting anise scent. | ||||||
Annual Sunflower | Helianthus annuus | Aster | a | h | ye |
Largest blossoms of our native sunflowers | ||||||
Aromatic Aster | Aster oblongifolius | Aster | p | h | vi |
Produces mounds of flowers late in the season. Attracts butterflies. | ||||||
Baldwin Ironweed | Vernonia baldwinii | Aster | p | h | vi |
Attractive purple flowers, great for butterflies | ||||||
Big Bluestem | Andropogon gerardii | Grass | p | g | gr |
Colorful fall foliage and interesting seed heads. | ||||||
Black Eyed Susan | Rudbeckia hirta | Aster | a | h | ye |
One of my favorites with all its attractive flowers. Attracts butterflies. | ||||||
Bladdernut | Staphylea trifolia | Bladdernut | w | s | wh |
Best native shrub for shade | ||||||
Blue Phlox | Phlox divaricata | Phlox | p | h | bl |
Showy attractive blue blooms on a shade loving plant | ||||||
Blue Sage | Salvia azureus | Mint | p | h | bl |
One of the few blue flowering natives. | ||||||
Blue Verbena | Verbena hastata | Vervain | p | h | bl |
Has pretty blue flowers and its good for moist sites. | ||||||
Bur Marigold | Bidens polylepis | Aster | a | h | ye |
Produces oodles of late summer blooms. Super showy. | ||||||
Butterfly Milkweed | Asclepias tuberosa | Milkweed | p | h | or |
A beautiful milkweed. Attracts Monarch butterflies. | ||||||
Button Gayfeather | Liatris aspera | Aster | p | h | vi |
One of my favorite wildflowers. Attracts tons of butterflies too! | ||||||
Canada Milkvetch | Astragalus canadensis | Bean | p | h | ye |
Cool flowers and foliage | ||||||
Canada Wild Ginger | Asarum canadense | Birthwort | p | h | vi |
The perfect groundcover for shade. It also gets an interesting maroon flower. | ||||||
Canada Wildrye | Elymus canadensis | Grass | p | g | gr |
The drooping heads make this an attractive grass. | ||||||
Cardinal Flower | Lobelia cardinalis | Bellflower | p | h | re |
Intense red blooms that hummingbirds love | ||||||
Choke Cherry | Prunus virginiana | Rose | w | s | wh |
Nice dense shrub good for birds and has edible fruit | ||||||
Clammy-weed | Polanisia dodecandra | Caper | a | h | pi |
Very attractive and showy annual | ||||||
Climbing Milkweed | Cynanchum laeve | Milkweed | p | v | wh |
A vine that attracts Monarch butterflies | ||||||
Common Milkweed | Asclepias syriaca | Milkweed | p | h | lv |
The flowers will fill your garden with the sweetest scent | ||||||
Compass Plant | Silphium laciniatum | Aster | p | h | ye |
The large palmate leaves are the best part of this plant. Leaves tend to align on a north-south line. | ||||||
Culver's Root | Veronicastrum virginicum | Figwort | p | h | wh |
This is one of the most attractive flowers. Attracts butterflies. | ||||||
Cup Plant | Silphium perfoliatum | Aster | p | h | ye |
A must have plant for the natural cups it forms around the stems. It’s a natural bird bath. | ||||||
Cutleaf Coneflower | Rudbeckia laciniata | Aster | p | h | ye |
Attractive foliage with nice yellow flowers. Attracts birds for the seeds. | ||||||
Deertongue Panicgrass | Dichanthelium clandestinum | Grass | p | g | gr |
Attractive grass with short wide leaves. Looks good all winter. | ||||||
Desert Biscuitroot | Lomatium foeniculaceum | Parsley | p | h | ye |
Edible early spring wildflower | ||||||
Downy Goldenrod | Solidago petiolaris | Aster | p | h | ye |
One of the showiest goldenrods. Big cylindrical blooms attract tons of butterflies. | ||||||
Drummond's Aster | Aster drummondii | Aster | p | h | lv |
Produces tons of showy flowers. This is good for shade. | ||||||
Eastern Dotted Gayfeather | Liatris mucronata | Aster | p | h | vi |
The shortest gayfeather and has the largest blooms. Attracts butterflies. | ||||||
Eastern Wahoo | Euonymus atropurpureus | Bittersweet | w | s | re |
Gorgeous shrub that produces attractive red berries in the fall | ||||||
Elmleaf Goldenrod | Solidago ulmifolia | Aster | p | h | ye |
Interesting flowering form | ||||||
False Sunflower | Heliopsis helianthoides | Aster | p | h | ye |
An attractive yellow flower, birds love the seeds and the petals. | ||||||
Foxglove Beardtongue | Penstemon digitalis | Figwort | p | h | wh |
Produces tons of showy white flowers. Attracts hummingbirds. | ||||||
Fringed Puccoon | Lithospermum incisum | Borage | p | h | ye |
A favorite of mine. Its showy flowers are eye-catching. | ||||||
Gama Grass | Tripsacum dactyloides | Grass | p | g | gr |
large showy grass | ||||||
Golden Alexanders | Zizia aurea | Parsley | p | h | ye |
A nice early bloomer that attracts black swallowtail butterflies. | ||||||
Gray Goldenrod | Solidago nemoralis | Aster | p | h | ye |
One of my favorite flowers. Intense yellow blooms make a great butterfly attractant. | ||||||
Gray-headed Coneflower | Ratibida pinnata | Aster | p | h | ye |
Very showy and long lasting blooms. The crushed seed heads smell good. | ||||||
Green Antelopehorn | Asclepias viridis | Milkweed | p | h | gr |
This milkweed is the first to bloom and has the largest flowers. | ||||||
Hairy Sunflower | Helianthus hirsutus | Aster | p | h | ye |
A sunflower that likes a little shade. Not an aggressive sunflower! | ||||||
Hairy Wild Rye | Elymus villosus | Grass | p | g | gr |
Nice grass for shade | ||||||
Hop Hornbeam | Ostrya virginiana | Birch | w | t | gr |
Very handsome small tree. Grow in the understory or in the sun. | ||||||
Indian Woodoats | Chasmanthium latifolium | Grass | p | g | gr |
Attractive flat seed heads and foliage | ||||||
Indiangrass | Sorghastrum nutans | Grass | p | g | gr |
One of the most attractive native grasses with its golden seed heads. | ||||||
Jerusalem artichoke | Helianthus tuberosus | Aster | p | h | ye |
Sunflower | ||||||
Large-flower beardtongue | Penstemon grandiflorus | Figwort | p | h | pi |
The showy pink blooms and waxy foliage are attractive traits. Attracts hummingbirds. | ||||||
Little Bluestem | Schizachyrium scoparium | Grass | p | g | gr |
Especially attractive in the fall. Nice form in summer too. | ||||||
Maryland Senna | Cassia marilandica | Bean | p | h | ye |
Beautiful deep green foliage and black seed pods for winter interest. Attracts Sulphur butterflies. | ||||||
Mint-leaf Beebalm | Monarda fistulosa | Mint | p | h | vi |
One of my favorites for the garden. It has long lasting blooms and the foliage has a fragrant minty odor. | ||||||
Missouri evening primrose | Oenothera macrocarpa | Evening Primrose | p | h | ye |
One of my favorites. It has huge yellow blooms that appear to glow in the evening. Attracts hawk moths. | ||||||
Narrowleaf Verbena | Verbena simplex | Vervain | p | h | wh |
A nice small flower with white blossoms. | ||||||
New England Aster | Aster novae-angliae | Aster | p | h | bl |
Large blossoms on a large plant | ||||||
Obedient Plant | Physostegia virginiana | Mint | p | h | vi |
Very attractive flowers. Attracts bees and hummingbirds. | ||||||
Ohio Spiderwort | Tradescantia ohiensis | Spiderwort | p | h | bl |
Attractive blue-green foliage and long lasting flowering season makes this a great flower for your garden. Edible blossoms. | ||||||
Pale Coneflower | Echinacea pallida | Aster | p | h | vi |
One of my top ten favorite wildflowers for its beautiful form and long lasting blooms. | ||||||
Partridge Pea | Chamaecrista fasciculata | Bean | a | h | ye |
Annual with showy yellow flowers | ||||||
Paw Paw | Asimina triloba | Custard Apple | w | t | re |
Attractive small tree. Tropical looking foliage. Yellow fall color. Edible fruit. | ||||||
Philadelphia Fleabane | Erigeron philadelphicus | Aster | p | h | wh |
One of my favorite wildflowers for its fine hairlike petals and early blooms. | ||||||
Pitcher's Leather Flower | Clematis pitcheri | Buttercup | p | v | vi |
Most interesting native clematis with bell shaped flowers. | ||||||
Plains Larkspur | Delphinium virescens | Buttercup | p | h | wh |
Beautiful white flowers. One of my favorites. | ||||||
Prairie Coneflower | Ratibida columnifera | Aster | p | h | ye |
Masses of long lasting yellow flowers. | ||||||
Prairie Dropseed | Sporobolus heterolepis | Grass | p | g | gr |
A very showy bunch grass with narrow leaves | ||||||
Prairie Petunia | Ruellia humilis | Acanthus | p | h | vi |
A nice low growing border flower. Attractive long lasting blooming period. One of my favorites. | ||||||
Prairie Ragwort | Packera plattensis | Aster | p | h | ye |
One of my favorite flowers for its intense yellow blooms. | ||||||
Prickly Ash | Zanthoxylum americanum | Citrus | w | s | gr |
Host plant for the giant swallowtail butterfly | ||||||
Purple Milkweed | Asclepias purpurascens | Milkweed | p | h | vi |
One of the prettiest milkweeds. Attracts monarch butterflies. | ||||||
Purple Poppy Mallow | Callirhoe involucrata | Mallow | p | h | vi |
low growing attractive purple flowers | ||||||
Purple Prairie Clover | Dalea purpurea | Bean | p | h | vi |
Very attractive flowers and foliage | ||||||
Rattlesnake Master | Eryngium yuccifolium | Parsley | p | h | wh |
A most interesting plant with its yucca-like leaves and interesting flower heads. Attractive in the winter too. | ||||||
Red Columbine | Aquilegia canadensis | Buttercup | p | h | re |
Delicate flowers that attract hummingbirds. Smaller plants and flowers than the cultivars. | ||||||
Rose Verbena | Glandularia canadensis | Vervain | p | h | vi |
Sweet smelling, low growing, and showy flowers. Good for rock gardens. | ||||||
Rough Rattlesnake Root | Prenanthes aspera | Aster | p | h | ye |
One of the last flowers to bloom in the fall. | ||||||
Roundhead Prairie Clover | Dalea multiflora | Bean | p | h | wh |
Very attractive round white flower heads | ||||||
Showy Beardtongue | Penstemon cobaea | Figwort | p | h | wh |
Large white blossoms with black stripes in the center make this a very showy plant. Attracts bees and hummingbirds. | ||||||
Side-Oats Grama | Bouteloua curtipendula | Grass | p | g | gr |
Interesting small grass with its dangling side oats. | ||||||
Sky Blue Aster | Aster oolentangiensis | Aster | p | h | bl |
Very showy flowers with a subtle blue color | ||||||
Slender Mountain Mint | Pycnanthemum tenuifolium | Mint | p | h | wh |
Attractive flower with interesting minty foliage. Attractive in the winter when it turns black. | ||||||
Smooth blue aster | Aster laevis | Aster | p | h | bl |
Interesting blue-green foliage and big blossoms. Attracts butterflies. | ||||||
Smooth Milkweed | Asclepias sullivantii | Milkweed | p | h | re |
Attractive smooth leaved milkweed with pink flowers. Attracts Monarch butterflies. | ||||||
Sneezeweed | Helenium autumnale | Aster | p | h | ye |
Interesting yellow flowers, very showy. | ||||||
Snow on the Mountain | Euphorbia marginata | Spurge | a | h | wh |
I love the white mottled flower heads. Beatiful how it seems to glow in the evening because of all the snow on the leaves. | ||||||
Spring Beauty | Claytonia virginica | Purslane | p | h | wh |
Loads of white flowers with purple stripes | ||||||
Starry Campion | Silene stellata | Pink | p | h | wh |
Very attractive white blossoms | ||||||
Stiff Goldenrod | Solidago rigida | Aster | p | h | ye |
One of my favorite flowers. Intense yellow blooms make a great butterfly attractant. | ||||||
Stiff Sunflower | Helianthus rigidus | Aster | p | h | ye |
Showy member of the sunflower genus | ||||||
Swamp Milkweed | Asclepias incarnata | Milkweed | p | h | re |
Wonderful pink flowers and attracts Monarch butterflies in droves. | ||||||
Sweet Joe-Pye | Eupatorium purpureum | Aster | p | h | vi |
Showy pink flowers for shade. Attracts butterflies. | ||||||
Switchgrass | Panicum virgatum | Grass | p | g | gr |
Attractive fall foliage that turns orange. | ||||||
Tall Boneset | Eupatorium altissimum | Aster | p | h | wh |
Tall with showy white flowers. Attracts tons of butterflies. | ||||||
Thickspike Gayfeather | Liatris pycnostachya | Aster | p | h | vi |
The tallest gayfeather. A most attractive flower that attracts butterflies. | ||||||
Virginia Knotweed | Polygonum virginianum | Buckwheat | p | h | wh |
Interesting bicolor leaves in the spring. The flowers are one of my favorites. Good for shade. | ||||||
Virginia Waterleaf | Hydrophyllum virginianum | Waterleaf | p | h | lv |
The most interesting foliage looks like water droplets have formed on them. Gorgeous blooms to boot. | ||||||
Western Marbleseed | Onosmodium molle | Borage | p | h | gr |
The flowers are interesting how they unfurl and the foliage is attractive too. | ||||||
Western Yarrow | Achillea millefolium | Aster | p | h | wh |
Attractive foliage with attractive flowers | ||||||
White Sage | Artemisia ludoviciana | Aster | p | h | wh |
Beautiful silver gray foliage. Use to make traditional native american smudge sticks. | ||||||
White Snakeroot | Ageratina altissima | Aster | p | h | wh |
Showy white flowers and likes shade! | ||||||
White Wild Indigo | Baptisia alba | Bean | p | h | wh |
Makes a stately specimen plant. Definitely a favorite of mine. | ||||||
Wholeleaf Rosinweed | Silphium integrifolium | Aster | p | h | ye |
Showy sunflower like flowers | ||||||
Willow Leaf Sunflower | Helianthus salicifolius | Aster | p | h | ye |
The most interesting foliage, reminds me of mini fireworks. Showy yellow flowers also. | ||||||
Woolly Verbena | Verbena stricta | Vervain | p | h | vi |
A very showy plant with long lasting blooms. Attracts butterflies. | ||||||
Yellow Giant Hyssop | Agastache nepetoides | Mint | p | h | ye |
Interesting flowering form, resembles a candelabra. Attracts bees. |
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