Garden Planting Guide - Kansas Native Plants

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I first created this site back in 1998 to document the wild plants that I encountered.  But it has grown into a clearinghouse of information on landscaping, backyard birds, butterfly gardening, plant identification and making paper from plant fiber. After leaving Kansas, I thought of deleting the site. But realize it has a wealth of information that people rely upon.

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Garden Plants > Garden Planting Guide

Garden Planting Guide

About this Guide

I'm no longer selling seeds and plants as of 2020 as I moved out of state. But you can use this as a guide for planning and planting your garden.


When planning a garden, you need to consider a plant's mature height & width, sun & water requirements, flower color, and season of bloom. To be successful the sun and water requirements of the species must match the site where they are to be planted.

Mature Size

Height: the mature height of the plant measured in feet
Width: the mature width of the plant measured in feet

Sun Needs

Full Sun: direct sun 8 or more hours of the day
Part Sun: direct sun 4 to 8 hours of the day; about half a day of sun
Shade: direct sun 0 to 4 hours of the day

Water Needs

Wet: Soil is soggy or marshy
Moist: Soil tends to stay moist and rarely dries out
Medium: Average soil moisture, little or now slope
Drained: Soil is well drained, never soggy; medium slope
Dry: Soil is dry, often typical of rocky soil; steep slope

Plant Species

Scientific Name Common Name Common Family Height (ft) Width (ft) Flower Color Bloom Months Sun Needs Water Needs
Achillea millefoliumWestern YarrowAster2.01.0WhiteMay-JuneFull SunDrained to Dry
Agastache nepetoidesYellow Giant HyssopMint6.03.0Yellow, CreamAugust-SeptemberPart Sun, Full SunWet to Moist
Ageratina altissimaWhite SnakerootAster3.03.0WhiteJuly-AugustPart Sun, ShadeMoist to Medium
Andropogon gerardiiBig BluestemGrass8.03.0GreenJuly-AugustFull SunMedium to Drained
Aquilegia canadensisRed ColumbineButtercup2.02.0Red, PinkApril-MayPart Sun, ShadeMoist to Medium
Artemisia ludovicianaWhite SageAster3.01.0WhiteAugust-SeptemberFull SunMoist to Drained
Asarum canadenseCanada Wild GingerBirthwort0.50.5Violet, BrownApril-MayPart Sun, ShadeMoist to Medium
Asclepias incarnataSwamp MilkweedMilkweed5.03.0Red, PinkJuly-AugustFull SunWet to Medium
Asclepias purpurascensPurple MilkweedMilkweed3.02.0VioletMay-JuneFull Sun, Part SunMedium to Drained
Asclepias sullivantiiSmooth MilkweedMilkweed3.02.0Red, PinkJune-JulyFull SunMoist to Medium
Asclepias syriacaCommon MilkweedMilkweed4.02.0Lavender, PinkJune-JulyFull SunDrained to Dry
Asclepias tuberosaButterfly MilkweedMilkweed2.53.0Orange, RedJune-JulyFull SunMedium to Dry
Asclepias viridisGreen AntelopehornMilkweed2.02.0Green, VioletApril-MayFull SunDrained to Dry
Asimina trilobaPaw PawCustard Apple15.08.0RedApril-MayFull Sun, ShadeMoist to Medium
Aster drummondiiDrummond's AsterAster3.03.0Lavender, PinkAugust-SeptemberPart Sun, ShadeMoist to Drained
Aster laevisSmooth blue asterAster4.03.0Blue, LavenderSeptember-OctoberFull Sun, Part SunMedium to Dry
Aster novae-angliaeNew England AsterAster4.03.0Blue, VioletSeptember-OctoberFull SunMoist to Medium
Aster oblongifoliusAromatic AsterAster0.81.0Violet, LavenderSeptember-OctoberFull SunMedium to Dry
Aster oolentangiensisSky Blue AsterAster3.03.0Blue, LavenderSeptember-OctoberFull SunMedium to Dry
Astragalus canadensisCanada MilkvetchBean4.02.0Yellow, CreamJuly-AugustFull SunMedium to Drained
Baptisia albaWhite Wild IndigoBean5.03.0WhiteJuly-AugustFull SunMedium to Dry
Bidens polylepisBur MarigoldAster5.03.0YellowJuly-AugustFull SunMoist to Medium
Bouteloua curtipendulaSide-Oats GramaGrass3.02.0GreenJuly-AugustFull SunDrained to Dry
Callirhoe involucrataPurple Poppy MallowMallow0.53.0VioletApril-MayFull SunDrained to Dry
Campanula americanaAmerican BellflowerBellflower4.02.0BlueJuly-AugustShadeMoist to Medium
Cassia marilandicaMaryland SennaBean5.03.0YellowJuly-AugustPart Sun, Full SunMoist to Medium
Chamaecrista fasciculataPartridge PeaBean3.02.0YellowJuly-AugustFull SunMedium to Drained
Chasmanthium latifoliumIndian WoodoatsGrass3.00.1GreenJuly-AugustShade, Part SunMoist to Medium
Claytonia virginicaSpring BeautyPurslane0.50.5White, LavenderMarch-AprilPart Sun, Full SunMedium to Dry
Clematis pitcheriPitcher's Leather FlowerButtercup6.03.0Violet, LavenderJuly-AugustFull Sun, Part SunMedium to Drained
Corylus americanaAmerican HazelnutBirch8.02.0WhiteApril-MayShade, Full SunMoist to Drained
Cynanchum laeveClimbing MilkweedMilkweed10.03.0White, GreenJuly-AugustFull Sun, Part SunMoist to Dry
Dalea multifloraRoundhead Prairie CloverBean1.52.0WhiteJuly-AugustFull SunDrained to Dry
Dalea purpureaPurple Prairie CloverBean1.52.0VioletJuly-AugustFull SunDrained to Dry
Delphinium virescensPlains LarkspurButtercup3.00.5White, LavenderMay-JuneFull SunMedium to Dry
Diarrhena obovataAmerican BeakgrassGrass1.51.0GreenJuly-AugustPart Sun, ShadeMoist to Medium
Dichanthelium clandestinumDeertongue PanicgrassGrass1.03.0GreenMay-JunePart Sun, ShadeMoist to Medium
Echinacea pallidaPale ConeflowerAster3.02.0Violet, PinkJune-JulyFull SunMedium to Dry
Elymus canadensisCanada WildryeGrass3.01.0GreenJuly-AugustFull SunMoist to Medium
Elymus villosusHairy Wild RyeGrass1.51.0GreenJune-JulyFull Sun, ShadeMoist to Medium
Erigeron philadelphicusPhiladelphia FleabaneAster2.01.0WhiteApril-MayFull Sun, Part SunMoist to Medium
Eryngium yuccifoliumRattlesnake MasterParsley4.03.0White, GreenJuly-AugustFull SunMedium to Dry
Euonymus atropurpureusEastern WahooBittersweet8.06.0Red, VioletApril-MayShade, Full SunDrained to Dry
Eupatorium altissimumTall BonesetAster5.03.0WhiteJuly-AugustFull SunMoist to Drained
Eupatorium purpureumSweet Joe-PyeAster5.03.0Violet, PinkJuly-AugustPart Sun, ShadeMoist to Medium
Euphorbia marginataSnow on the MountainSpurge3.51.0White, GreenJuly-AugustFull SunMedium to Dry
Glandularia canadensisRose VerbenaVervain0.52.0Violet, LavenderApril-AugustFull SunMedium to Dry
Helenium autumnaleSneezeweedAster3.52.0YellowJuly-AugustFull SunWet to Moist
Helianthus annuusAnnual SunflowerAster10.04.0YellowJuly-AugustFull SunMoist to Dry
Helianthus hirsutusHairy SunflowerAster4.01.0YellowJuly-AugustPart Sun, ShadeMedium to Drained
Helianthus salicifoliusWillow Leaf SunflowerAster7.03.0YellowJuly-AugustFull SunDrained to Dry
Helianthus tuberosusJerusalem artichokeAster8.03.0YellowJuly-AugustFull Sun, Part SunMoist to Medium
Heliopsis helianthoidesFalse SunflowerAster4.03.0YellowJuly-AugustFull Sun, Part SunMoist to Medium
Hydrophyllum virginianumVirginia WaterleafWaterleaf1.01.0Lavender, WhiteApril-MayPart Sun, ShadeMoist to Medium
Liatris asperaButton GayfeatherAster3.01.0Violet, LavenderSeptember-OctoberFull Sun, Part SunDrained to Dry
Liatris pycnostachyaThickspike GayfeatherAster4.02.0Violet, LavenderJuly-AugustFull SunMoist to Medium
Lithospermum incisumFringed PuccoonBorage0.81.0YellowApril-MayFull SunDrained to Dry
Lobelia cardinalisCardinal FlowerBellflower3.01.0RedJuly-AugustFull Sun, Part SunWet to Moist
Lomatium foeniculaceumDesert BiscuitrootParsley0.51.0YellowMarch-AprilFull SunDrained to Dry
Monarda fistulosaMint-leaf BeebalmMint3.02.0Violet, LavenderJuly-AugustFull Sun, Part SunMoist to Drained
Oenothera macrocarpaMissouri evening primroseEvening Primrose0.81.0YellowApril-MayFull Sun, Part SunMedium to Dry
Onosmodium molleWestern MarbleseedBorage2.03.0Green, WhiteJuly-AugustFull SunDrained to Dry
Osmorhiza longistylisAnise RootParsley3.03.0WhiteJuly-AugustPart Sun, ShadeMoist to Medium
Ostrya virginianaHop HornbeamBirch18.010.0GreenApril-MayShade, Full SunMedium to Dry
Packera plattensisPrairie RagwortAster1.00.5YellowApril-MayFull SunDrained to Dry
Panicum virgatumSwitchgrassGrass4.02.0GreenJuly-AugustFull SunMoist to Drained
Penstemon cobaeaShowy BeardtongueFigwort2.01.0White, PinkMay-JuneFull SunDrained to Dry
Penstemon digitalisFoxglove BeardtongueFigwort2.01.0WhiteJune-JulyFull Sun, Part SunMoist to Medium
Penstemon grandiflorusLarge-flower beardtongueFigwort3.01.0Pink, VioletApril-MayFull SunDrained to Dry
Phlox divaricataBlue PhloxPhlox2.01.0Blue, LavenderJuly-AugustPart Sun, ShadeMoist to Medium
Physostegia virginianaObedient PlantMint4.02.0Violet, PinkAugust-OctoberFull Sun, Part SunMoist to Medium
Polanisia dodecandraClammy-weedCaper3.03.0Pink, WhiteJuly-AugustFull SunDrained to Dry
Polygonum virginianumVirginia KnotweedBuckwheat3.02.0WhiteJuly-AugustPart Sun, ShadeMoist to Medium
Prenanthes asperaRough Rattlesnake RootAster4.02.0YellowSeptember-OctoberFull SunMoist to Medium
Prunus virginianaChoke CherryRose18.012.0WhiteApril-MayFull Sun, Part SunMoist to Dry
Pycnanthemum tenuifoliumSlender Mountain MintMint2.01.0WhiteJuly-AugustFull SunMoist to Medium
Ratibida columniferaPrairie ConeflowerAster3.02.0YellowJuly-AugustFull SunMedium to Dry
Ratibida pinnataGray-headed ConeflowerAster4.03.0YellowJuly-AugustFull Sun, Part SunMoist to Drained
Rudbeckia hirtaBlack Eyed SusanAster2.02.0YellowJuly-AugustFull SunMoist to Drained
Rudbeckia laciniataCutleaf ConeflowerAster5.03.0YellowJuly-AugustPart Sun, ShadeMoist to Medium
Ruellia humilisPrairie PetuniaAcanthus0.81.0Violet, LavenderJuly-AugustFull SunDrained to Dry
Salvia azureusBlue SageMint4.02.0BlueJuly-AugustFull SunMedium to Dry
Schizachyrium scopariumLittle BluestemGrass3.02.0GreenJuly-AugustFull SunDrained to Dry
Silene stellataStarry CampionPink3.02.0WhiteMay-JunePart Sun, ShadeMoist to Medium
Silphium integrifoliumWholeleaf RosinweedAster5.03.0YellowJuly-AugustFull SunMoist to Medium
Silphium laciniatumCompass PlantAster8.03.0YellowJuly-AugustFull SunMoist to Dry
Silphium perfoliatumCup PlantAster8.03.0YellowJuly-AugustFull SunMoist to Medium
Solidago nemoralisGray GoldenrodAster2.52.0YellowJuly-AugustFull SunMedium to Dry
Solidago petiolarisDowny GoldenrodAster3.01.0YellowJuly-AugustFull Sun, Part SunMedium to Dry
Solidago rigidaStiff GoldenrodAster4.02.0YellowJuly-AugustFull SunMedium to Dry
Solidago ulmifoliaElmleaf GoldenrodAster3.02.0YellowJuly-AugustPart Sun, ShadeMedium to Dry
Sorghastrum nutansIndiangrassGrass5.03.0GreenJuly-AugustFull SunMoist to Drained
Staphylea trifoliaBladdernutBladdernut8.04.0WhiteApril-MayShadeMoist to Medium
Tradescantia ohiensisOhio SpiderwortSpiderwort3.01.0Blue, VioletJune-JulyFull SunMoist to Drained
Tripsacum dactyloidesGama GrassGrass5.04.0GreenJuly-AugustFull SunMoist to Medium
Verbena hastataBlue VerbenaVervain5.02.0Blue, VioletJuly-AugustFull SunWet to Moist
Verbena simplexNarrowleaf VerbenaVervain1.00.5White, LavenderJuly-AugustFull SunMedium to Dry
Verbena strictaWoolly VerbenaVervain3.02.0Violet, LavenderJuly-AugustFull SunMedium to Dry
Vernonia baldwiniiBaldwin IronweedAster4.02.0VioletJuly-AugustFull Sun, Full SunMedium to Dry
Veronicastrum virginicumCulver's RootFigwort4.03.0WhiteJuly-AugustFull SunWet to Medium
Zanthoxylum americanumPrickly AshCitrus10.05.0GreenApril-MayPart Sun, Full SunMoist to Medium
Zizia aureaGolden AlexandersParsley3.03.0YellowApril-MayFull Sun, Part SunMoist to Drained

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